We Make Medicare Easy.
Call (888) 350-1370 to schedule an appointment with one of our agents.
Insurance is the language of the heart! When we speak insurance, we speak from our hearts – right into yours. Here at Advocate My Insurance, we take a 360-degree global approach in helping you make sound insurance decisions.
Advocate My Insurance Solutions LLC. doing business as Advocate My Insurance is a licensed insurance agency able to transact business in the following states: AL, AZ, CA (License #0M88156), CO, FL, GA, IL, LA, MI, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NM, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WV, and WI. The individual agents that are affiliated with Advocate My Insurance Solutions LLC. must also be licensed in your state of legal residence in order to provide insurance advice.
We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States Government, Social Security, CMS, Health Insurance Marketplace, State Government, Local Government, SHIP, PACE, Veterans Administration, Medicaid, or Medicare.
Plans are insured or covered by Medicare Advantage (HMO, PPO, and PFFS) organization with a Medicare contract and/or a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. We do not offer every plan in your area. Please contact medicare.gov or 1-800-Medicare to get information on all your options.
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